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Well, hello there!

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Upcoming Gig

  • Thu, Oct 19
    New York
    Oct 19, 2023, 7:00 PM
    New York, 147 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012, USA

How the heck are ya? What have you been up to? How’s the family? How’s the job? Your golf game?

In a nutshell everything is good by me. I decided I didn’t want to be out on the road anymore, so I settled down and have been living a mostly usual life. I have 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cars, 2 husbands-HA just kidding (I have only one of those but he’s pretty great). I continued to write songs for a while, there are a bunch that were never released but maybe one of these days I’ll get motivated and just put them up on CDbaby or something. I’ve been playing a ton of tennis (I’m a little obsessed), I’m a Muber 'mom uber', and I tried my hand at writing a musical (writing a musical is a huge commitment and I wasn’t in love). I’ve been volunteering for the Trevor Project (it’s a great org that you can donate to).  I started writing a TV pilot this year…it is challenging and super fun…who knows maybe it will be my next career. I know the last update I made to my site was 20 years ago when I wished everyone a Happy New Year, apologized because I hadn’t updated my site in a few years, and promised that updates would come.


Honestly, up until now I haven’t had any real updates, however, believe it or not I am performing at The Bitter End on October 19th – What made me decide to do this? My dear friend Edie Carey texted and asked. I originally laughed at the thought (my site isn’t the only thing that hasn’t performed in 20 years). But then a very wise friend said, “Sometimes it’s good to rekindle things about yourself.” It struck a metaphorical chord, and I decided what the heck and accepted.  The super fun part is my kid (Eli Golden) is performing right before me. Between you me and the internet there is a part of me that would prefer he was more interested in becoming a doctor than an actor/musician but that’s not the case. He loves performing and (I know I’m his mother) he’s pretty darn good.


Well-It could be 20 years before I update this site again but I’m older and wiser now…I’m not going to make any promises I cannot keep. It was great catching up;)



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